The TT (Thrust Torque) mounts are especially developed for the high powered / low weight, close coupled engine / gearbox combinations. The unique mount design characteristics enables the mount to transmit both Thrust and Torque forces while ensuring an excellent vibration isolation.
The TT mountings have a linear stiffness over a wide load range varying from compression (–) to extension (+) necessary to maintain the optimum isolation properties of the Mass-Spring system formed by engine mounts and gearbox mounts. The close coupled gearbox reduces the engine rpm’s and as a consequence, magnifies the engine torque. The reaction torque is transferred over the TT-mounts to the foundation as additional compression or extension force which enables the TT-mounts unique linear (compression / extension) stiffness to maintain the same high degree of isolation.

Contact us:
Rubber Design B.V.
Industrieweg 21
2995 BE Heerjansdam
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)78-6778778
Postal address:
P.O. Box 15
2995 ZG Heerjansdam
The Netherlands
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